12 microcontrollers networked over WiFi with an internet backend and lots of custom electronics and code come together to create a fully integrated smart college dorm room.
12 microcontrollers networked over WiFi with an internet backend and lots of custom electronics and code come together to create a fully integrated smart college dorm room.
Music reactive LED backlit paneling, you can read more about here.
With an ESP8266, a servo, and a 3D printed mount my lights could be switched on or off from anywhere.
Using a stepper motor and driver for precise position control, along with another ESP8266 and 3D printed enclosure meant that my blinds were integrated as well.
All the devices were added to a web dashboard through Adafruit IO, a third party MQTT service.
Integration with Google Assistant was done through IFTTT applets, which allow calls to the MQTT server when defined commands are given to my Google Home.
When it wasn't hooked up to my laptop, my second monitor served as a permanent dashboard displaying calendar events, weather, and sports scores using MagicMirror2 on a Raspberry Pi 3B. The Raspberry Pi also ran scheduling, executing Python scripts at set times through the Cron Daemon.